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Online donating is increasing year on year yet the charity retail sector is still lagging when it comes to updating fundraising processes. It has been almost 20 years since the first online donation but this still makes up less than 10% of total fundraising for most charities.

However, online donations are continuing to grow and with more people requesting convenient and quick payment methods, the demand for digital payment in-store is increasing.

In a recent study on the retail industry in general, half of young people surveyed said they would be more likely to frequent a business that offered contactless payments, with four in ten saying they preferred the ease of paying with one tap compared to chip and pin. The opportunity for contactless donations therefore is vast and charities could take advantage of this, simply by embracing technology.

Technology offers charities other opportunities to increase revenue. Take Gift Aid for example. Many charities implement a manual process around Gift Aid. A digital Gift Aid solution has many benefits; not only saving on storage of paper forms but also eliminating the 20% of forms that are thrown away due to messy handwriting, mistakes, ineligibility, or because they’re unusable. Gift Aid is a great way to boost donations and it’s a shame to see potential support going unclaimed.

Digitising the process and allowing donors or volunteers to sign up for Gift Aid on a tablet or computer means that data is stored securely and backed up, and the process is streamlined for all involved. This means charities can increase the amount of Gift Aid sign-ups, claim more money for their cause, and make their volunteers’ and donors’ lives that little bit easier.

Moving quickly and embracing these new methods of support and fundraising means charities can tap into the generosity of younger, more tech-savvy givers. Ensuring the convenience of giving, can pave the way for future generations of regular donors.

Charities rely hugely on people’s desire to do good in the world; thank them by making it as easy as possible to do so.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help you to embrace technology.

book a demo with Wil-U to understand more about their charity solutions
HubSpot Author
Post by HubSpot Author
Jul 29, 2019 5:18:00 PM
