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End-to-End Digital Gift Aid

Unlock the full potential of Retail Gift Aid with an automated digital system


Maximum Gift Aid,
Minimum Admin

The most automated charity Gift Aid solution available

We have spent the last 6 years dedicating ourselves to transforming the retail gift aid journey for charities with the express goal of maximising gift aid and minimising admin. We have innovated at every stage of the gift aid journey to improve your gift aid, typically by over 50%, whilst eliminating nearly all of the admin.

Signing Up Donors, Increase Gift Aid Sign-Ups

Replace paper forms with our Digital Gift Aid solution and make it easier than ever for donors to sign up! With our tablet, volunteers no longer need to ask about tax, and all donor data is backed up and secure in the cloud. Wil-U Digital Gift Aid tablets are portable so they can be utilised in the shop, at the back door, or on the road, optimising every chance to capture valuable Gift Aid.

Introducing the Wil-U Digital Gift Aid solution and eliminating the paper typically increases Gift Aid Sign-Ups by 25% - 75%.

Gift Aid Sign Up
Easy to Use Icon (1)

Easy to Use: A solution for everyone

Pound coins

Maximum Gift Aid, Minimum Admin

Fixed Costs

Fixed, all-inclusive monthly costs and no surprises

Reliable, Flexible and Sustainable Icon

Reliable, Flexible and Sustainable


Communicating with Donors

HMRC outlines guidelines on when and how communication with donors should occur to claim the Gift Aid. We've developed a fully automated system that ensures you comply with these rules. It even saves you from having to print and send letters through our automated mailing service. Bid farewell to envelope stuffing (except for Christmas cards!)

Wil-U Communicating With Donors Image

Communicating with Donors

HMRC outlines guidelines on when and how communication with donors should occur to claim the Gift Aid. We've developed a fully automated system that ensures you comply with these rules. It even saves you from having to print and send letters through our automated mailing service. Bid farewell to envelope stuffing (except for Christmas cards!)

Claiming from HMRC

With Wil-U, the power is in your hands – claim on a frequency that suits you best! Want to claim more often down the line? No problem, many of our customers have, because we have made it so simple. Our system automatically builds the claims for you based on Gift-Aided sales in that period, and one click is all it takes to submit it to HMRC.

Should HMRC reject any part of the claim, we've got your back. The system identifies and removes any troublesome donor data, ensuring your claim continues without a hitch. So, no more waiting for that crucial income.


Success Stories

A Collaboration That Works: North London Hospice's Onboarding Success

Deciding to switch from one charity retail system to another can be daunting. Finding a supplier who ensures a smooth and efficient onboarding process is crucial to success.

Understanding the USPCA's Success in Streamlining Gift Aid & Donations

The Ulster Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (USPCA) is a vital organisation dedicated to preventing cruelty and alleviating the suffering of both domestic animals and wildlife. Guided by its core mission and values, the USPCA works toward creating a society where animals are treated with respect and live free from unnecessary harm.

Why We Do What We Do

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We just managed a Saturday with absolutely no problems, everybody learning as they went and even those that were worried about a new till really like it!  So happy!


Guildford Samaritans

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This seems almost too good to be true! The reporting from the Control Centre gives us all the data we need!


Martlets Hospice

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Completely painless!

Tynedale Hospice

Tynedale Hospice

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It was super easy to buy and very easy to set up. We took it out of the box, went through the steps and it all worked great. We started taking sales almost immediately!


Drop Inn Armagh

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Volunteers picked up using the system within five minutes – that’s a testament to how easy it is to use! Having never had an EPOS solution before, it was big news for us. There was some hesitation from the older volunteers at first but they’ve taken to it like a duck to water!


Yorkshire Cancer Research

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We’ve taken the opportunity over the last few months to really look at how we can improve and build for a successful future. Wil-U provides increased flexibility to our reporting and communication, helping us towards a more efficient way of working which has a direct impact on our bottom line.


Save The Children UK

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We went from no Gift Aid to operating a fully digital and automated Gift Aid scheme in just two weeks!



Want to learn more about how you can maximise Gift Aid income and minimise admin? Let’s talk

We’d love to know more about your charity and explore how Wil-U may be able to help

Please fill out the form and one of our experts will contact you

Automated Retail Gift Aid Solutions

Increase your charity’s Retail Gift Aid income with automated solutions

This guide explores how automated Retail Gift Aid solutions can significantly boost your charity's income while minimising administrative burdens.


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