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When charity shops are looking at introducing a new POS system, there are a lot of important things to consider. There’s cost, functionality, the time it takes to train staff and volunteers… also whether the system will grow with the charity in the future.

After receiving demos from 3 other providers, St Helena Hospice felt that the simplicity of the Wil-U layout and the in-depth reporting suited staff and volunteers as well as the retail management team.

The Wil-U Control Centre is included with Wil-U modules at no extra charge. You can see real-time sales reports and view your Donor Directory all in simple, easy-to-use software that can be accessed anywhere, any time, on any device. Management can configure access permissions to decide who can see certain information.

Seeing that Wil-U are the only POS and Digital Gift Aid solution approved by HQP gave St Helena Hospice the additional reassurance to go forward with the process and they were delighted at the quick and easy installation.



Since signing up to Wil-U with POS, Digital Gift Aid and Gift Aid Processing across all stores, St Helena Hospice have seen an uplift in Gift Aid figures and are anticipating much larger claims going forward.

When asked whether Wil-U had made things easier for St Helena Hospice, Karen Stokes replied;

“Yes. The main reason being that all items are barcoded which speeds up the process at the till for customers and limits till input error by volunteers because the category, Gift Aid number (if there is one), and price is all embedded to the barcode.”

If you’d like more information on how Wil-U can help, click the button below and ask us anything!


Chelsea Elderkin (Real Edge)
Post by Chelsea Elderkin (Real Edge)
Feb 8, 2022 3:31:00 PM
