Summer is finally here! I’m just peering outside to make sure the dreaded British summer rain hasn’t turned up, so far so good… Let’s talk about the much-needed charity events season and how Wil-U can help with temporary or short-term event POS systems.
We’re seeing the return of things that we were sadly deprived of in 2020. The events scene, small and large, is returning and will be bringing communities closer together with things like festivals, fetes, and fairs.
These events are great opportunities for charities and hospices, both national and local, to get out in the community. You can join in the fun, raise awareness of the cause and of course, carry out some vital fundraising.
In the good old days, turning up and setting up a stall to sell your goods was relatively easy. Get your stock to the field or hall and lay it out on your table. Then you get a roll of stickers and a big pen, write some prices, stick them on and they are ready to sell. Next, you’d get a metal cash box, pour some loose change into it, and hastily try and find a couple of £5 notes to ensure you have the perfect ‘float’. Finally, you pray it doesn’t rain and quickly find the cake stall before settling into your chair while happy locals flood through the gates.
Now, however, it’s a different ball game.
Making Mobile Card Machines & POS Systems Accessible for All
Increasingly, cash isn’t so much the king anymore. Mobile card machines with contactless, ApplePay and GooglePay are now seen as safer and cleaner ways to pay. Add to that the fact that charities want to claim Gift Aid on as many sales of donated goods as possible. To do this, you’re going to need some technological assistance.
Luckily, with solutions like Wil-U, high tech doesn’t have to mean expensive and complex. Quite the opposite in fact. Wil-U’s 3 guiding principles are Easy, Affordable, and Innovative. And now, the Wil-U POS and Digital Gift Aid solutions are available on short term rentals, allowing charities to take them for a limited time for events season, without committing to a longer-term contract.
Bringing Store Quality POS to Events & Pop-Ups
Wil-U’s tablet-based POS is user friendly and intuitive, and crucially for the events or pop-up locations, it’s extremely portable and flexible. Superb battery life means it will run for hours without being plugged in. Internet connection is quick and simple, you can even connect it to your mobile phone’s internet. The Wil-U label printing app and printer come as part of the package and you can price up items and include the donors Gift Aid ID as part of the barcode or label. This way you ensure that you are maximising your gift aid revenue as all your data is synced with the Wil-U Control Centre. Wil-U can even handle your Gift Aid processing.
If you are running a short-term pop-up, perhaps in a village hall or a high street shop on a short-term lease, then you can also add the Digital Gift Aid tablet. This enables your supporters to sign up for Gift Aid right there and help you claim more Gift Aid than ever.
Pair the Wil-U POS with an integrated payment solution from Zettle by Paypal and you have all the functionality of a bricks and mortar shop, whether you are in a farmer’s field, the local village hall, or a high street market.
If you’d like to know more, click here for more information or contact us today.
Jun 16, 2021 2:05:00 PM