Wil-U is a complete range of charity retail and fundraising systems. Used in over 1,000 locations, it takes advantage of the latest in technology to provide the most automated, flexible and intuitive solutions available.
Everything you need to make the running of your charity shops easier and more profitable.
The most advanced charity shop epos system on the market, utilising the latest in tablet technology
Know what’s happening in your shops. Live sales and Gift Aid data reporting can be accessed 24/7, wherever you are, so you can make quicker, more informed decisions for your retail operation.
With Wil-U, you don’t just get great tech. You join our community of engaged charity retailers who are all trying to help each other win. The Wil-U family meets every month to talk about successes, challenges and learn from one another.
We just managed a Saturday with absolutely no problems, everybody learning as they went and even those that were worried about a new till really like it! So happy!
Guildford Samaritans
This seems almost too good to be true! The reporting from the Control Centre gives us all the data we need!
Martlets Hospice
Completely painless!
Tynedale Hospice
Volunteers picked up using the system within five minutes – that’s a testament to how easy it is to use! Having never had an EPOS solution before, it was big news for us. There was some hesitation from the older volunteers at first but they’ve taken to it like a duck to water!
Yorkshire Cancer Research
We’ve taken the opportunity over the last few months to really look at how we can improve and build for a successful future. Wil-U provides increased flexibility to our reporting and communication, helping us towards a more efficient way of working which has a direct impact on our bottom line.
Save The Children UK
We went from no Gift Aid to operating a fully digital and automated Gift Aid scheme in just two weeks!
We are really enjoying using the new system and are very grateful to have chosen a supplier who is so responsive and whose solution is so well suited to our needs.
Imperial Charity
To say we are delighted is an understatement!
Community Integrated Care
It really was plug in and go, just requiring a phone call to Wil-U for an access code to make each system live. Staff and volunteers didn't require training. The POS is very self-explanatory even for those volunteers that have never worked in a retail setting before.
St Helena's Hospice
A standout for us was the Wil-U Control Centre. The ease of which we are now able to access data and make relevant commercial decisions has been quite simply a game changer! We’re now starting to see a marked increase in our gift aid performance too. Our Gift Aid sign up has increased a massive 98%. The move from paper-based sign up to digital has been transformational and the teams love it!
St Giles Hospice
Our processes have streamlined & Gift Aid has increased 4-fold since joining Wil-U. And to top it off they are just amazing people.
Brandon Trust
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